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GLC Armstrong Creek campus

The Armstrong Creek campus is set within a growing urban coastal community catering to the developing needs of students from Prep through to Year 12.

Offering a range of engaging, hands-on and inquiry directed learning opportunities, students explore their place in the world and their responsibilities in it. We have developed separate Primary and Senior sub-schools to ensure each child’s learning is met through personalised learning opportunities. 

Luther's Rose

Primary Prep - 6

The Primary classroom is recognised as a nurturing and supportive learning environment which lays an excellent educational foundation. A strong focus on literacy and numeracy plays a key role in our students’ growth and development.

There is a focus on the environment, sustainable practices and a ‘paddock to plate’ approach through the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. This allows students to work in, cook and eat from the garden, promoting lessons on healthy eating and food preparation.

Across the two campuses, the Primary years allow for a diverse range of subjects with specialist teachers including: Languages, Performing and Visual Arts, Technologies, Physical Education and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).

Learning a second language helps improve literacy skills by making connections to the students’ first language, as well as enhancing creative and critical thinking. Students also benefit from learning about other cultures, helping them to become global citizens.
Specialist teaching programs are provided across the Primary School for Physical Education, Music, Visual Art, STEM and German, and learning is also enhanced through year level incursions and excursions.
Year 4 students undertake the year-long Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program, tending the garden and chickens, cooking with the produce and learning the importance of sustainable and healthy living.
In addition to the Year 3 Strings Program, primary students can participate in a number of music opportunities, including Choir, Strings, Year 5-6 Band, performances at school and external events, and private music tuition.
Luther's Rose

Secondary Year 7 - 12

Middle School students develop their ability to be analytical and critical thinkers, applying abstract thought, skills and knowledge to the world in which they live. Middle Schooling promotes connectedness between and across year levels through focus activities including Australian Lutheran World Service Week, R U OK? Day and the Peer Support program. Students are encouraged to work collaboratively with their peers, increasing their capacity for interpersonal development in the areas of empathy and compassion.

Curriculum in the Middle Years is authentic, interesting and relevant, designed to engage active learning. We encourage challenging and relevant education, knowing that learning happens when children experience both success and failure. In facilitating their transition to senior schooling, Year 9 and 10 students choose from a wide variety of elective subjects including German, Arts, Technologies, Health, Sciences, and Commerce.

Empowering life-long learning encourages students to grow in independence and have the opportunity to taste a VCE or VET subject and the procedural and administrative requirements are introduced at Year 10. Additional learning opportunities are offered beyond the classroom, focused on character development and encouraging students to be thoughtful, productive and engaged members of their community.

In Year 11 and 12, we offer both VCE and Vocational Major pathways with a range of subjects across all faculty areas. Engaging in the career development process is an integral part of the Senior School program. Students explore pathway options related to their areas of interest so that they can make informed decisions about their future and understand the steps required to achieve their goals.

Students compete in many competitions including the major carnivals of swimming, track and field, cross country and can also participate in a wide variety of team and individual sports.
Year 9 and 10 students choose from a wide variety of elective subjects including German, Arts, Technologies, Health, Sciences, and Commerce.
Our academic program includes the VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) and the Vocational Major strand of the VCE. Students may also select VET (Vocational Education Training) courses and School Based Apprenticeships as a component of their VCE studies.