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Parents & Friends

Parent participation is critical to the effectiveness and success of the Parents & Friends.

All parents are encouraged to take an active role by supporting the various activities that may be planned each year to foster fellowship throughout the school community and to raise funds to assist the College in providing the students with a high standard of equipment and resources.

In consultation with the College, funds raised by Parents & Friends activities may be used to support the provision of: internal and external furnishings, computer equipment, audio-visual facilities, resources for the library, playground equipment, games, musical instruments, classroom and library books plus a wide range of invaluable aids to the students’ education, comfort and enjoyment.

A Parents & Friends Group has been established under the approval of the College Board and acts under the policies of the College and under the direction of the Principal. Each family unit (including carers) who has a child at the school is automatically a member of the group. Membership is also open to any person who is associated with, or has an interest in, Geelong Lutheran College.

At GLC we welcome everyone to come along to a P & F meeting and become active members in supporting the school community. Both our St John's Newtown and Armstrong Creek P & F committees hold meetings throughout the year. Please see the details below.

P & F 2024 meeting dates for St John’s:

Mondays 6:30pm

Term 1: 19 February, 18 March

Term 2: 29 April, 27 May

Term 3: 29 July, 26 August

Term 4: 21 October, 18 November (AGM)

P & F 2024 meeting dates for Armstrong Creek: 

Tuesdays 6:30pm

Term 1: 13 February, 12 March

Term 2: 30 April, 28 May

Term 3: 30 July, 27 August

Term 4: 22 October, 19 November (AGM)